Quick and Creamy Milk Dessert

Ingredients You’ll Need

  • 707 milliliters of milk: The base of our creamy dessert. You can use whole milk for a richer flavor or a dairy-free alternative if preferred.
  • 50 grams of sugar substitute (or 100 grams of sugar): Adjust to your taste; if you like it sweeter, go for the sugar, or keep it light with a substitute.
  • 30 grams of cornstarch: Helps thicken the mixture to achieve that luscious, creamy texture.
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar: Adds a delightful hint of vanilla flavor to the dessert.
  • 3 egg yolks: Contributes to the rich, smooth texture of the dessert.
  • Zucchini powder to taste: Optional, but adds a unique twist to the flavor.
  • Powdered cinnamon: For dusting on top, giving the dessert a warm, spicy note.

Preparation Steps

Preparing the Milk

  1. Heat the Milk: Pour the milk into a medium-sized saucepan and heat it over medium heat. You want it warm but not boiling.

Mixing the Ingredients

  1. Combine the Dry Ingredients: In a separate bowl, mix together the sugar or sugar substitute, cornstarch, and vanilla sugar. This ensures that everything is evenly distributed before adding to the milk.
  2. Whisk the Egg Yolks: In another small bowl, whisk the egg yolks until smooth. Gradually add a few tablespoons of the warmed milk to temper the yolks, whisking constantly to avoid curdling.

Cooking the Mixture

  1. Thicken the Dessert: Slowly add the dry ingredients to the warm milk, whisking constantly to prevent lumps. Then, gradually pour in the egg yolk mixture while continuing to whisk. The mixture should begin to thicken as it heats.
  2. Add Zucchini Powder: If using, sprinkle in the zucchini powder to taste. This step is optional but adds a unique flavor and a touch of nutrition.
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Final Touches

  1. Simmer and Stir: Reduce the heat to low and continue stirring the mixture for a few more minutes until it reaches your desired thickness.
  2. Serve and Garnish: Pour the creamy dessert into serving dishes. Dust the top with powdered cinnamon for a finishing touch.

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