Capture Summer with Homemade Apricot Nectar

  1. Wash the apricots thoroughly: Make sure to clean them well to remove any dirt or pesticides.
  2. Cut the fruit in half and remove the pits: If you prefer a smoother nectar, you can peel the apricots, but keeping the skin on will increase the fiber content.

Cook the Apricots

  1. Place the apricot halves in a large pot.
  2. Add enough water to just cover the bottom of the pot: This helps in steaming and preserving the fruits’ natural juices. Use about a cup of water for every pound of apricots.
  3. For an added twist, include a cinnamon stick or a strip of lemon zest.


  1. Bring the water to a simmer over medium heat.
  2. Cover and let the apricots cook until they are completely soft and the flavors have melded: This usually takes about 15-20 minutes.

Blend the Mixture

  1. Once the apricots are softened, let them cool slightly.
  2. Transfer the contents to a blender, and puree until smooth: If you want a thinner consistency, add a little water.
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Strain (Optional)

  1. For a smoother nectar, strain the puree through a fine mesh sieve: This will remove any solid bits and give you a silky-smooth texture.

Bottle and Preserve

  1. Pour the nectar into clean jars or bottles.
  2. Seal and store in the refrigerator or preserve using a canning process for longer shelf life.

Enjoying Your Apricot Nectar

This homemade apricot nectar can be enjoyed in various ways. Drink it chilled, use it as a natural sweetener in yogurts or cereals, or even incorporate it into your baking recipes for a touch of apricot flavor. It’s a delightful, healthful treat that brings the taste of summer into the colder months.

Tips for the Perfect Apricot Nectar

  • Choose Ripe Apricots: The riper the apricots, the sweeter and more flavorful your nectar will be.
  • Don’t Overcook: Cooking the apricots just until they’re soft will preserve their natural flavors.
  • Add Sweetener if Desired: If you prefer a sweeter nectar, you can add a natural sweetener like honey or agave syrup.
  • Experiment with Flavors: Try adding different spices or citrus zests to create unique flavor profiles.

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