Easy Salmon Kebabs

  1. Turn the grill’s heat to medium.
  2. Combine the garlic, parsley, and olive oil in a small bowl. Mix well with a whisk. Put aside.
  3. Thread alternate slices of salmon, bell pepper, and folded-in-half lemon onto two skewers for each kebab. Continue until you have four kebabs.
  4. Apply the oil and spice mixture to the kebabs on both sides using a brush or spoon. Next, equally distribute the black pepper and kosher salt over both sides.
  5. For 6 to 8 minutes, or until the salmon is opaque, grill the kebabs, flipping them once or twice.
  6. Pour some freshly squeezed lemon juice over each kebab. Serve immediately.


  • First tip: When flipping kebabs on the grill, using two skewers prevents the food from spinning in circles.
  • Second piece of advice: Look for a thicker fillet of salmon rather than a smaller, flatter fillet when purchasing. Additionally, find out whether the fishmonger is willing to peel the fish for you.

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