Grated Potato Omelette

you’re looking for a quick and satisfying breakfast that’s both healthy and delicious, this Grated Potato Omelette is the perfect choice. With just three simple ingredients—potatoes, eggs, and cheese—you can whip up a hearty meal that’s full of flavor and nutrients.


  • 2 medium-sized potatoes
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup of grated cheese (your choice of cheese)


  1. Prepare the Potatoes: Start by washing and peeling the potatoes. Then, using a grater, finely grate the potatoes into a bowl. If the potatoes release a lot of moisture, you can gently squeeze them in a clean kitchen towel to remove excess liquid. This will help the omelette hold together better.
  2. Cook the Potatoes: Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and add a small amount of olive oil. Once the skillet is hot, spread the grated potatoes evenly across the surface. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes start to turn golden brown and crispy.
  3. Add the Eggs: In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs together until well combined. Pour the eggs over the cooked potatoes in the skillet, making sure they cover the potatoes evenly.
  4. Add the Cheese: Sprinkle the grated cheese over the top of the egg and potato mixture. You can use any type of cheese you prefer—cheddar, mozzarella, or even a tangy feta would work beautifully. Let the omelette cook for another 2-3 minutes until the eggs are set and the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  5. Fold and Serve: Once the omelette is cooked through, carefully fold it in half using a spatula. Slide it onto a plate and cut it into portions. Serve it hot and enjoy!


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