Instant Pot Chicken Salad

It is recommended to chill the chicken salad in the refrigerator once it is prepared. It keeps for up to four days in this manner. Chilled chicken salad can be left out for up to four hours after it is served.

The salad can stay out for up to four hours if it isn’t chilled right away. Don’t store it for more than 24 hours once you’ve refrigerated it after 4 hours.


I mean, chicken salad tastes fairly good just out of the dish. Have you ever noticed that you start eating portions of food before it even reaches the dinner table? Indeed, we have! Here are some suggestions on what to serve with chicken salad to make it a meal.

  • Chicken Salad Sandwich: Stuff it in bread rolls, sandwich bread, or a baguette and feel free to add lettuce, tomato, avocado or cheese.
  • Lunch Wrap: Use tortillas or flatbread to make satiating chicken wraps.
  • Lettuce Wrap: For a lighter, low-carb option, use large romaine or butter leaf lettuce to wrap it.
  • On top of something: For a low-calorie, light option, serve the chicken salad on a bed of greens; for something more filling, cook up some quinoa, brown rice or pasta. Cold pasta and chicken salad mix really well together.

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