Mediterranean Spinach Lasagna Recipe

⭐Preheat oven to 400F

⭐Make the filling. In an extra large saute pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic and bell pepper and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring, lower heat to medium.

⭐Add corn ( or mushrooms), salt, pepper, optional chili flakes and oregano. Saute 2-3 more minutes until the onion is tender.

⭐Add the chopped spinach, lower heat, and stir, letting the spinach wilt. Stir until all the spinach is all wilted and it is well combined.

⭐Stir in the lemon zest, taste, adjust the salt, turn off the heat. (You’ll need at least 4 cups; more is good.) Drain any excess liquid from the filling (especially if using zucchini or frozen spinach).

⭐Make the sauce: Place the basil, spinach, milk, salt, pepper, garlic cloves, and flour (or cornstarch) in the blender. ** Leave out the oil. Blend until completely smooth and there are no specs of basil.

⭐Add a teaspoon of oil, blend for 10 seconds, and while the blender is going, slowly stream in the remaining oil to emulsify the sauce. Blend for 15 more seconds on med-high.

⭐Place the Spinach Basil Sauce in a medium saucepan or medium pot, and whisk over medium heat just until it comes to a simmer; this will thicken it. Turn the heat off.

⭐In a large bowl, mix the ricotta with the egg. Fold in the cooled veggie filling. Stir in 2 cups mozzarella and 1/4 cup pecorino.

⭐Save the remaining cheese for the top. If not using pecorino, I would add another pinch of salt.

Assemble: Grease a 9×13-inch baking dish. Spoon 1/2 cup sauce over the bottom to lightly cover.

⭐Place the lasagna noodles over the sauce. Spread half of the veggie/ricotta filling mixture overtop.

⭐Spoon a 1/4- 1/2 cup of the spinach basil sauce overtop.

⭐Add the second layer of lasagna noodles. Add the remaining filling. Spoon a little sauce over the top.

⭐Add the third and final layer of lasagna noodles, top with the remaining Spinach Basil Sauce- saving any extra for touch-up at the end.

⭐If there is room at the top of the baking dish sprinkle with the remaining 1/2 cup mozzarella and 2 tablespoons pecorino (if not, add when you remove the foil for final baking).

⭐Cover with a layer of parchment, then wrap VERY tightly with foil. ***You need to create a seal when using no-boil noodles so they cook through and the steam can’t leave – otherwise, lasagna will be dry and uncooked.

⭐So use a couple of layers if need be. And you really don’t want the foil touching the lasagna.

No boil Noodles: Use the manufacturer’s direction on the lasagna noodle package. Or bake at 400F for 40-50 minutes, covered very tightly with parchment and foil (until noodles are tender) uncover, and bake 10 more.

⭐Fresh noodles and par-cooked noodles: bake for 35- 40 minutes, uncover, then bake 10 more mins. You can also bake at a lower temp: 350F for 45 minutes, uncover, 15 more.

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