Quesabirria Tacos Recipe

  1. Dip the Tortillas:
  • Dip each tortilla into the hot beef broth to soften them and infuse them with flavor.
  1. Fill the Tortillas:
  • Place a generous amount of shredded beef onto each tortilla. Add any desired toppings such as chopped cilantro, diced onions, and shredded cheese.
  1. Grill the Tacos:
  • Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat. Place the filled tortillas on the skillet and cook until the tortillas are crispy and golden brown, and the cheese is melted, about 2-3 minutes per side.
  1. Optional Dipping:
  • For extra flavor, you can dip the assembled tacos in the reserved beef broth before serving.

Step 4: Serve and Enjoy

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